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By far the most widely utilized of the many Chiropractic techniques, this technique is also most commonly associated with what  Chiropractors do.  Static and motion palpation are first used to detect areas of hypomobility in the patient’s spine.  Once the areas demonstrating decreased movement are located, the practitioner utilizes a high velocity, low amplitude thrust to restore normal movement to the area.  The basis to this technique is that movement is the key to a healthy life.  If joints are not moving properly, then they too may become unhealthy and may cause complications later in life.  There should not be any pain associated with Diversified manual adjusting.  Sometimes there can be minor discomfort following an adjustment which is generally explained as the joint hadn’t moved in some time and it is beginning to move normally again and your body is simply removing some of the long standing inflammation and adhesive fibers that have built up.  Think of rust and cob webs being knocked out of an old machine..

What to expect:

The chiropractor will palpate (feel) different parts of your spine for movement.  If the practitioner feels an area with decreased motion, they may want to impart a diversified adjustment into the region.  The doctor must place the joint into a locked out position.  The doctor will then ask the patient to relax and sometimes may ask for the patient to take a breath in and then out.  A very short, fast impulse is put into the joint(s) of interest and then the doctor will recheck the region for movement.  Typically several adjustments will be performed on a single visit.

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